In this article, let me introduce you to the Customer Journey Map template I have designed. This template will simplify the data gathering and visualization of required data attributes such as your persona’s needs or motivations, important events, touchpoints, and actions. But first, let’s start with the definition.

What is Customer Journey Mapping?

Customer journey mapping is the process of creating a customer journey map, which is a visual representation of your customer’s or prospect’s interactions with your product. This strategic exercise helps to think from customers’ or prospects’ perspectives and better understand their expectations, pain points, motivations, and needs. The journey map maps out all touchpoints from the first to the final touchpoint for both your existing and potential customers and is leveraged to visualize and improve the overall customer onboarding and experience.

How to create a Customer Journey Map?

  • Define primary and secondary personas for your product

A persona is a character profile or a fictional character. Personas help to understand the needs, experiences, behaviors, and goals of your users. If you want to create personas for your product, you may listen to my lecture in the online course.

  • Outline key events, persona’s needs, and possible interactions with your product across different traffic sources
  • Create a comprehensive visual diagram that describes the journey of your primary and secondary personas

There are multiple visual tools that are available to create the journey diagram such as Mural, Gliffy, UXPressia, Lucidchart, Microsoft Visio, OmniGraffle, Miro, etc.

For outlining the required data in Step#2, I created the Customer Journey Map Template or a Canvas as below:

Customer Journey Map Template for an Existing Customer

Customer Journey Mapping Canvas for an Existing Customer

Enroll in the online course to download this canvas and learn more ->

Agile Product Planning: Discovery, Vision, Strategy, Roadmap – Create Business Models, Personas, Product Vision, Customer Journey Maps, Roadmap, and Product Backlog


Customer Journey Map Template for a Prospective Customer

Enroll in the online course to download this canvas and learn more ->

Agile Product Planning: Discovery, Vision, Strategy, Roadmap – Create Business Models, Personas, Product Vision, Customer Journey Maps, Roadmap, and Product Backlog


Watch the Customer Journey Mapping Lecture Here!

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